So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?

(Al-Quran: 55)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

DIY : Nursing Tea

To contribute some info to all moms who breastfeed their children... especially to those yang menghadapi masalah kekurangan susu...

Daripada berabis duit untuk beli medicines yang mungkin ade side effects... bek kite sama-sama buat nursing tea sendiri...

Camna nak buat nursing tea sendiri?


1 teaspoon of fenugreek
1 teaspoon of fennel seed
Hot boiling water


1) Masukkan halba & jintan manis ke dalam cawan.
2) Masukkan air panas.
3) Tutup cawan & biarkan selama 5-10 minit.
4) Teh sedia untuk diminum.

Fenugreek a.k.a Halba

Fennel seed a.k.a Jintan manis

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