So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?

(Al-Quran: 55)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Let Bygone be Bygone

Sangat cliche bunyi title ni... but I still can't forgive myself & forgot what I've done before... taking things for granted until at a point when the great opportunity that had been given to me had became a waste... Gile ape.. dalam dunia ni, banyak mane sangat peluang yang datang more than once in our life time..?

Dan aku telah pun mengsia-siakan satu peluang dalam hidup aku dulu... Harga yang terpaksa aku bayar sekarang adalah kekesalan & kepayahan dalam mengatur semula langkah untuk memperbaiki kesalahan tu... yup, its not an easy thing to be done... since I'm not the only one whom involved in the situation I'm in rite now.. Nak kene take both my son & daughter into consideration also... My hubby? Itu sudah pasti perlu difikirkan juga... All things that need to be done, have to be thought carefully before any action can be made...

Its not wrong to have regrets in life.. But if we can avoid doing things that might lead us to regret afterwards, that's much better...
Its much easier to live life as what it should be rather than to fix any wrong things that had been done before. (Hani,2011)

I just hope that I'll be able to do things right after this... Life is damn short, so I don't think that I'm gonna waste it with more regrets... Its time to live my life as good as what it should be.. Ingat Hani, no more regrets after this...


  1. yup tru!! hidup mengenang kekesalan sangat rugi kan.. enjoy our life as much as we can..

  2. mistakes is something to learn, no to regret (Salehuddin,2011) ;p

  3. hehehehe..seb bek le xde button like nak click kat comments anda berdua...


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