So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?

(Al-Quran: 55)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

35 Weeks of Precious / Money Can't Buy Moment

A 35 weeks baby in a mother's womb

35 weeks.. That's was not a quite long period which I had been gone through since I get to know that there is another precious gift inside my womb. Thanks to Him, the Almighty for bestowed me with this blessing once again in my life. I just can't convey how thankful I am upon hearing that very good news.

Time passes by like the wind blew. Slow but yet fast enough until none of us can hold it right in our hand. As time goes by, those people whom I have my heart with them, do give me support... love... and also attention that I need most day by day.. Thanks to my sayangs, Yusof and Ahmad Zuhair. Both of you did shower me with the greatest love I'd ever get in my life... (which I can't compare it to the love that The One granted me with la kan....)

As far as the calculation is concerned, I InsyaAllah have another 5 weeks to enjoy this experience of having such a big belly to be carried here and there and every where I go... I just hope that everything will go well for the upcoming weeks...

I really can wait for this precious gift to be unwrapped. Just wonder how Ahmad Zuhair will react when there is someone new inside the house... and also how will he respond to us when we call him 'Abang Zuhair' instead of 'Ahmad Zuhair'...


  1. sekejap jer rasa.. dh nk branak dh ko niee..

  2. Hehehehehe...
    Iye.. Sile sediakan hadiah yer...

  3. rindu plak nak rasa keadaan mcm ni.. dulu.. mcm tetibe je tau nak besalin dah.. x de pun menghitung hari,, hihihi

  4. rindu...?
    ape lagi... time for the next one ler kot...

  5. hahahha.. insyallah.. kalau ade rezeki.. tp harap dpt tumpu pada shaakir dulu.. hehehe


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