So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?

(Al-Quran: 55)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Ahmad Zuhair @ his 2 years. 4 months & 17 days

19th November 2010 / 13th Zulhijjah 1431H

Ahmad Zuhair woke up at around 10 am this morning. First phrase that came out from him was "Uwai nak men game."... Adeh... anakandaku.. Since he get to know how to turn on the lappy all by himself, and then switch on the Plant vs. Zombies game.. He is more interested to play computer games instead of watching all the videos downloaded for him, namely Shrek I & II, Naruto (Episode 1 - 201), Lilo & Sticth I & II, Naruto Shippuden, Wonderpets, Upin & Ipin (Season 1 - 4), Toy Story 1 - 3, Transformers 1 & 2, Megamind... banyak lagi ler...

At around 11.00 am, lek umah makwan. Kesian lak kat makwan Ahmad Zuhair.. Malam semalam dekat kul 12.00 midnight, adik aku message, bagitau yang makwan duk tanye cucu dia. Rindu la tu... Baru sehari Ahmad Zuhair tak lek umah makwan... Camne la nanti klo Ahmad Zuhair nak pindah nursery.. Hohohohoho...

Petang dia susah nak tido. Mata dah ngantuk tapi duk lawan gak. Bile paksa dia tido, marah bukan main lagi... Hishhhhh... budak bertuah... Last-last terlelap depan tv sambil tengok cite Jimmy Neutron.. hehehehe finally.... Sampai adik aku dukung letak atas katil pun dia sedar. Punye la nyenyak tido. Pelik gak, memang budak-budak tak suke tido agaknye. Asyik main jer.. Pastu kacau orang... huhuhuhu

Ni dia tengah nyenyak lagi... Adik aku duk kiss-kiss pipi dia... Pastu sebok nak amek gunting nak gunting bulu mata Ahmad Zuhair. Dengki ler tu bulu mata anakandaku panjang... hehehehehehe... Best la plak nengok Ahmad Zuhair tido..... Adeh... Ummi lak dengki....

Nyenyak kan anakanda aku tido...atas katil Mak Una yang cadarnye penuh dengan hasil contengan Ahmad Zuhair... Heheheheheh sangat kreatif...


  1. Hehehehe.. itu pun dah potong sket... tp ummi dia lg ske klo rambut dia panjang sket.


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