So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?

(Al-Quran: 55)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Kronologi Mahu Kurus : Status Terkini

Dah lame tak update pasal kegigihan (acah-acah gigih je) aku nak kuruskan badan..

Mujur ade apps "Monitor Your Weight" lam fon.. if not tatau la leh keep track ke tak..

By the way, aku dah lame tak minum green tea.. bukan sebab pe, sebab green teabag nye dah abeh dan aku asek lupe je nak beli..

Been taking Jamu Mak Dara for two months. So far, okay kot.. and also dah tukar pembersih muka to Mustika Ratu nye product since kulit muke aku tah kenape asek kering je.. And Alhamdulillah dah makin okay dan tak kering dah sekarang..

Owh.. by the way also, aku tepek entry ni untuk rujukan aku since aku memang takde diary.. bukan nak update sumorang pun.. hihihihihihi...

Latest keberatan aku as of today 21st July 2014

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