So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?

(Al-Quran: 55)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Assignment.... Assignments.. Yeah with 's' at the end..

Assignments.. Ye, sile pronounce dengan the letter 's' yang kat huung tu... Biar betul, sem ni ade 4 assignments yang nak kene submit by 7th March 2011.. which will carry out a total marks of 50% per assignment untuk all four subjects yang aku amek sem ni... Yeap... aku perlu jadik super mummy untuk carry out all those task. 

Tasks ape...?
  1. Deliver new member of my family.
  2. Take a good care of the new comer.
  3. Still take very good care of my two others sayangs... who were my hubby and of course Ahmad Zuhair...
  4. Study for this semester...
  5. Complete & submit all of those assignments on time & make sure they are done perfectly...
InsyaAllah akan aku usahakan... Ummi Ahmad Zuhair kan super mummy.. InsyaAllah boleh nye... lagipun ade kesayangan ummi yang sentiasa support ummi... Thanks my sayangs...

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